India "Wild and Classic" : Guest Reviews
In March 2017, AdventureWomen traveled to India to experience its colorful culture, tigers and extraordinary palaces, traditions and rituals. Simply magical! Here’s what our guests most commented on…
What were your favorite activities?
“Loved it all. Great mix of nature and culture. And I loved Varanasi!” -Peg L.
“Tigers, riding the rickshaw through Delhi and the Ganges” -Christine R.
“Seeing tigers and other wildlife on safari, loved Varanasi, and the visits to the Ganges and the weavers.” -Babs S.
Did you experience any feelings of triumph or empowerment? What about this trip to India challenged you?
“I tried different types of food and tea and really enjoyed it.” -Babs S.
“I was able to clear out issues from the US and concentrate on the now.” -Arienne C.
“The fact that I survived the streets and traffic in India.” -Peg L.
“Photography is my passion. My goal for this trip was to get one good photo of a tiger.  I “captured” the elusive tiger in my photos drinking from a pond. That was extremely fulfilling.” -Ellen B.
What will you remember the most from your trip to India?
“I came for the Tiger Safari and Taj but Varanasi was a complete surprise and delight.” -Janet A.
“I like the cultural experiences scheduled beyond the typical tourist sites.” -Adrienne C.
“The tigers, the temples, and the organized chaos of the people animals and moving objects on the narrow streets.”
“The relaxed jeep rides in the parks that were so wonderful and then experiencing the hustle and bustle of the busy city of Varanasi with it’s wonderful smells, colors and activity. But my long lasting impression is the continuous laughter of all the women on the trip.” -Sue H.