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AdventureWomen’s Survey Results and Our Sweepstakes Winner for 2018!

November 13, 2017
A woman wearing a sun hat and sunglasses smiles. Text reads, "Congratulations to our 2018 Survey Sweepstakes Winner!.

We received a record response to our 2018 AdventureWomen Traveler Survey this Fall with over 1,000 women participating from near and far.

We’re always fascinated to learn about what women are most interested in when they travel and our survey respondents volunteered some great insights:

  • Did you know that the majority of Adventure Women start planning their adventures 5-9 months ahead of time?
  • Cultural learning is #1 of Adventure Women in terms of what they want to experience when on the road
  • “Behind the scenes” insider peeks into local traditions is popular with over a third of women as is culinary fun
  • Iceland won our 2018 destination “contest”
  • Horseback riding triumphed over biking and rafting on the activity spectrum
  • And over a third of adventurous women are just fine traveling to riskier spots like Egypt and Jordan

A big thank you to all our survey respondents again!

Julie A. hiking in Glacier National Park

On Halloween, we drew our sweepstakes winner, Julie A. who hails from San Francisco. Julie will receive a $2,018 credit toward the 2018 trip of her choice!

Julie tells us “I’ve never traveled with a women-only tour company but I’ve wanted to for several years and I’ve enjoyed a lifetime of fun trips with groups of female friends.”

Julie’s favorite travel memory is when she squirreled away enough savings during college to take a semester off from school to go backpacking across England, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Morocco and Russia before her money ran out.

What inspires her about international travel? “Of course, I want to see some famous sights while traveling but I most enjoy settling into the rhythm of each place, briefly experiencing everyday pleasures a local might enjoy. Cafes, bookstores, local foods, music and just poking around corners with my camera. Let’s GO!”

Julie’s wish list of dream destinations: Cambodia, India, Costa Rica and Utah’s National Parks and this year she walked the Camino de Santiago with her sister. Her idea of a perfect year would be traveling the world from one music festival to the next, dancing to everything – from rock to balalaika!

Congrats Julie and we’re looking forward to hosting you on your first trip with AdventureWomen!