Inspiring Quotes from Women About Their Friends

At AdventureWomen, camaraderie counts. Sometimes we wish we could give awards to our guests for the priceless support they give other women travelers on our trips as each of them test their comfort zones and take new risks. These moments teach us so much about the power of friendship between women.
Here are some quotes from women about women which we hope will inspire you:
“Friendship between women is different than friendship between men. I think that is one reason why women live longer than men. We talk about different things. We delve deep. We go under, even if we haven’t seen each other for years. There are hormones that are released from women to other women that are healthy and do away with the stress hormones … It’s my women friends that keep starch in my spine and without them, I don’t know where I would be. We have to just hang together and help each other.” – Jane Fonda
“We had this bridal shower for my sister-in-law, and my mom made this speech, and she said, ‘I want all the girls to look around the room and, even if you don’t know each other, even if you’re just getting to know each other, or even if it’s your sister, I want you to remember one thing: trust me. Men, they come and go. They always will. Hopefully, they stay. But it’s the girl that’s sitting next to you, or the girl that’s sitting across from you, that’s going to get you through everything.’” – Kate Hudson
“I don’t know what I would have done so many times in my life if I hadn’t had my girlfriends. They have literally gotten me up out of bed, taken my clothes off, put me in the shower, dressed me, said, ‘Hey, you can do this,’ put my high heels on and pushed me out the door!” – Reese Witherspoon
“I have a friend that I’ve known since high school, and when you have a real close friendship like that … this is someone who has, in a sense, known you your whole life … When you have those kinds of relationships that go back that far, these are people who knew you before you’ve become a fully formed person. They see you for your essence, they see you as you were at that young age, purely yourself without having fully developed into an actual person … They knew you before you became successful or a failure, or whatever … I think sometimes as an adult, you take people for what they do, and what they are now, instead of the whole picture of their lives. But the old friends who have known me forever, they know that part.” – Lisa See
“Women understand. We may share experiences, make jokes, paint pictures, and describe humiliations that mean nothing to men, but women understand. The odd thing about these deep and personal connections of women is that they often ignore barriers of age, economics, worldly experience, race, culture — all the barriers that, in male or mixed society, had seemed so difficult to cross.” – Gloria Steinem