Skydiving at 75: Jumping AdventureWomen!
How did Carol McSweeney, longtime AdventureWomen® guest and more (12 AdventureWomen® trips in 11 years!) celebrate her 75th birthday? She went skydiving! YOU GO GIRL! And Rebecca Abrams took on a different challenge: bungi jumping over Victoria Falls in Zambia!
In their own words:

“For my 75th birthday, I wanted to do something really spectacular—go skydiving from 2 ½ miles up,free falling at 120 mph! My tandem partner taught me how to fly like Superman (Superwoman!) for the full minute before he pulled our chute cord, then it was a beautiful float down to an easy slide-in landing in a sitting position.”
“I know my 11 trips with AdventureWomen® (beginning at age 64) prepared me for pushing my own envelope and having the mindset to keep looking ahead for new ways to conquer a personal challenge. I actually have a fear of heights, but standing in the open door of the plane and looking at the earth below, I knew I could do it, even somersaulting out. And wearing my newest AdventureWomen® T-shirt had to help! Shazam!”…Carol McSweeney, MO

“Susan, I just returned from the Africa safari [in Botswana] and I have to say it was one of the best experiences of my life. I feel very privileged to have been a part of such a fantastic trip. It was more than I ever dreamed it would have been. I bungi jumped over Victoria Falls and it was magnificent!”…Rebecca Abrams, MD
Naturally, BOTH women wore their AdventureWomen® T-shirts as they flew through the air!