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Kukur Tihar: Nepal's "Day of the Dog" Festival in November

September 21, 2017

“Kukur Tihar”, the “Day of the Dog” celebration in Nepal, falls on the 6th of November in 2018, which is during the time the AdventureWomen trip will be in Nepal. Join AdventureWomen in Nepal in 2018 and get a chance to experience this unique dog-centric Nepalese event!

“Diwali” or the “festival of lights” is an autumnal festival in the Hindu religion celebrating the relationship humans have with all things. Each day focuses on something different and specific observances vary depending on one denomination of Hinduism to another.  In Nepal, the festival of Diwali is called “Tihar” and on the second day of Tihar, “Kukur Tihar”, dogs are celebrated for their unique relationships with the people of Nepal.

Dogs with garlands and vermilion powder during Kukur Tihar in Nepal

In ancient Hindu texts, dogs are depicted as loyal companions, helpers of humans, and as guardians and messengers.

A dog being worshipped during Kukur Tihar in Nepal

Nepalese dogs, both those with homes and those without, are celebrated and thanked for their friendship and loyalty on this special day. They are offered garlands and delicious food to acknowledge the close relationship between people and dogs. They are also marked with a tika, a red mark applied to the forehead, as a sign of sacredness. The tika acts as a blessing to those who encounter the dog during Kukur Tihar.

Cute dog with a Tika and Garland, Day of the Dog, Nepal

Are you a dog lover? If so, you must join us to see and experience for yourself this very unique and special tradition in Nepal celebrating all things “doggie”!