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   Leading amazing adventures for active women, worldwide, since 1982.

August 2019  

Why Forge New Friendships?

An important part of the AdventureWomen experience is connecting and interacting with women from many different backgrounds, ages, and places but who share a common, like-minded passion for exploring. They yearn for NEW. For the undiscovered culture or destination (at least by them). And for the joy they get from clicking with a new friend.

This week we look to learn from what science teaches us about the importance of community. Did you know that being more social can actually lead to better health, being happier, and maybe even a longer lifespan?

We also share some powerful quotes about friendship we thought you might enjoy from the likes of Toni Morrison, Reese Witherspoon, and Gloria Steinem.

Are you looking forward to Fall 2019? We are!

"I couldn't have asked for a better experience and can't think of a single detail that did not meet or wildly exceed my expectations."
Sondra M.

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